Friday, March 30, 2012

शनिवार के दिन शनि व्रत

शनि पक्षरहित होकर अगर पाप कर्म की सजा देते हैं तो उत्तम कर्म करने वाले मनुष्य को हर प्रकार की सुख सुविधा एवं वैभव भी प्रदान करते हैं। शनि देव की जो भक्ति पूर्वक व्रतोपासना करते हैं वह पाप की ओर जाने से बच जाते हैं जिससे शनि की दशा आने पर उन्हें कष्ट नहीं भोगना पड़ता।

शनिवार व्रत की विधि (Shanidev Vrat Vidhi)

शनिवार का व्रत यूं तो आप वर्ष के किसी भी शनिवार के दिन शुरू कर सकते हैं परंतु श्रावण मास में शनिवार का व्रत प्रारम्भ करना अति मंगलकारी है । इस व्रत का पालन करने वाले को शनिवार के दिन प्रात: ब्रह्म मुहूर्त में स्नान करके शनिदेव की प्रतिमा की विधि सहित पूजन करनी चाहिए। शनि भक्तों को इस दिन शनि मंदिर में जाकर शनि देव को नीले लाजवन्ती का फूल, तिल, तेल, गुड़ अर्पण करना चाहिए। शनि देव के नाम से दीपोत्सर्ग करना चाहिए।

शनिवार के दिन शनिदेव की पूजा के पश्चात उनसे अपने अपराधों एवं जाने अनजाने जो भी आपसे पाप कर्म हुआ हो उसके लिए क्षमा याचना करनी चाहिए। शनि महाराज की पूजा के पश्चात राहु और केतु की पूजा भी करनी चाहिए। इस दिन शनि भक्तों को पीपल में जल देना चाहिए और पीपल में सूत्र बांधकर सात बार परिक्रमा करनी चाहिए। शनिवार के दिन भक्तों को शनि महाराज के नाम से व्रत रखना चाहिए।

शनिश्वर के भक्तों को संध्या काल में शनि मंदिर में जाकर दीप भेंट करना चाहिए और उड़द दाल में खिचड़ी बनाकर शनि महाराज को भोग लगाना चाहिए। शनि देव का आशीर्वाद लेने के पश्चात आपको प्रसाद स्वरूप खिचड़ी खाना चाहिए। सूर्यपुत्र शनिदेव की प्रसन्नता हेतु इस दिन काले चींटियों को गुड़ एवं आटा देना चाहिए। इस दिन काले रंग का वस्त्र धारण करना चाहिए। अगर आपके पास समय की उपलब्धता हो तो शनिवार के दिन 108 तुलसी के पत्तों पर श्री राम चन्द्र जी का नाम लिखकर, पत्तों को सूत्र में पिड़ोएं और माला बनाकर श्री हरि विष्णु के गले में डालें। जिन पर शनि का कोप चल रहा हो वह भी इस मालार्पण के प्रभाव से कोप से मुक्त हो सकते हैं। इस प्रकार भक्ति एवं श्रद्धापूर्वक शनिवार के दिन शनिदेव का व्रत एवं पूजन करने से शनि का कोप शांत होता है और शनि की दशा के समय उनके भक्तों को कष्ट की अनुभूति नहीं होती है।

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

God Shani Dev & Hanuman ji

As per Hindu Epic Ramayana, When Hanuman went to the Lanka in search of Sita mata (Wife of Lord Rama). After meeting with Sita mata, when Hanumanji was coming back, he met with many God who were in clutch of Rakshash (Evil) King Ravan. God Shanidev was also there. Hanumanji helped freeing shanidev and getting out of Lanka.
Because of Hanumanji helped Shanidev they both became friends. Here, Shanidev Promised to Hanuman that anyone who prayed to him (Hanuman), he would be rescued from the baleful effects of Shanidev.
Other story of Shanidev and Hanumanji:
God Surya Dev is the Father of Shanidev. Surya dev is also the Guru (Teacher) of Hanumanji. After the completion of course, Surya dev said to Hanuman, “You have become adept in all forms of wisdom and weapons, now go to your mother Anjani” But Hanumanji requested to Surya dev “Give me an opportunity to repay for your tutelage” Suryadev said to Hanuman, “my wayward son shani is the cause of my sorrow only, Go and bring that wayward son of mine back to me”. Listening to the order of Surya dev, Hanuman went to Shanilok. When he was going to shanilok many planets tried to stop him but they were unable.
When Shanidev saw hanuman he asked to him, “Who are you? Why are you come here? Do you not fear with die?” Hanumanji replied, “I am Hanuman, The disciple of Lord Surya. Lord Shani you have all power & virtues, but your greatest drawback is disobeying your father. It’s not good & it’s the greatest sin. I have come here to take you to your father.” Hearing all this Shani became angry & said, “You don’t know my power, Powerful god also trembled with my power so better thing for you go back immediately otherwise I will burn you” Hanuman replied, “I have not came here to go back”. Then Shani Dev crooked gaze on Hanuman but shanidev could not burn him so, Shanidev sat on his head. They were inside a room. Immediately Hanuman increased his size because of which shani pressed between hanuman and the ceiling. When the pain was unbearable, Shani requested to God Hanuman to release him. When shanidev became free from Hanuman then shanidev Promised to Hanuman, “Anyone who will worship you on Saturday, I will never be terminate them.” After that shanidev & hanumanji went to Suryadev. Shanidev became happy to see them.

You can impress Hanumanji & shanidev by Reading Hanuman Chalisa.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Who is Shani Dev ?

There are many gods in our Hindu religion but lord Shani dev is different from them. He has immense power, appeased toward off, evil eye etc. Saturday is the day which is devoted to Lord Shani Dev. Traditionally God Shani Dev is depicted in Hindu mythology as extremely dark wearing black clothes and mounted on a vulture. The basic mantra of Shani dev is “Om Sham Shanaiscaryaye Namah.”

Lord Shani Dev who is the son of Surya Dev (Sun) and Chhaya (Suvarna) is also known as one of the nine “Navagraha” by Hindu belief. Lord Shani Dev have a seventh place among these nine planets which govern our lives. Another name of Shani dev is Shanaiscarya, Asita, Saptarchi, Kruralochana, Pangu, etc. The birth place of Lord Shani Dev is Saurashtra, Gujarat. Hindu people believe that he is the god causing miseries in the life of a human being. So, Lord Shani Dev occupies the principal position among the Hindu’s God.

Lord Shani Dev is the brother of Yama Dev (deity of death) and is believed to be responsible for punishing or rewarding to the people one in the lifetime in accordance with their 'karma'. He has also a power of making a king into a pauper as well as changing the fortunes of a sufferer. Shani Dev is a great devotee of Lord Shiva because Lord Shiva is Guru of Shani Dev and hence those who wish to appease him pray to Lord Shiva along with him.

There are few shrines in India of shani Dev. The most important ones is in Maharashtra at Shingnapur which is famous with named Shani-Shingnapur, another is Shree Sahneeshwarar at Nerul Mumbai, and Shanidham at Mehrauli Delhi, etc.
In Vedic astrology, it is believed that if Shani is placed in a favorable position for you, no one can bestow more wealth and success than Lord Shani.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Maha Mantra of God Shani Dev

“ Om Nilaanjana Samaabhasam, Ravi Putram Yamagrajam.
Cahaya Martanda Samhubhutam, Tama Namami Shanescharam”

The meaning of mantra:
I bow to God Shanidev, who is black in colour and son of Sun and born to Chhaya and brother of Yama dev, who moves very slowly.
This Maha Mantra is effective for those people who have the Saturn/Shani cycle or Sade sathi in their horoscope. This mantra is cure for sade sati. The person who has Sade Saathi should recite Shani Mantra 23000 times within sade saathi period.

Mula (Basic) Mantra of God Shani :

"Om Sham Shanaiscaryaye Namah."
People can chant these mantra’s minimum seven times in a day. But chanting 108 times is more effective for those peoples who have troubled by God Shanidev.

Here, you will listen to Shani Mantra and also watch pictures of shanidev. Generally, people fear from Hindu God Shani Dev because they don’t know anything about his good nature. In our society, it is believed that Shani dev is God of truth and always help those people who follow path of truth in life. Lord Shani Dev only punishes those people who use wrong methods to gain success. By chanting Shani Mantra which is available here, people can easily impress God Shani Dev and avoid difficulties in their life.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

108 Names of Shani Dev

1. Om shanaescaraya namah
2. Om shantaya namah
3. Om sarvabhistapradayine namah
4. Om sharanyaya namah
5. Om vagenyaya namah
6. Om sarveshaya namah
7. Om saumyaya namah
8. Om suramvandhaya namah
9. Om suralokaviharine namah
10. Om sukhasonapavishtaya namah
11. Om sundaraya namah
12. Om ghanaya namah
13. Om ghanarupaya namah
14. Om ghanabharanadharine namah
15. Om ghanasaravilepaya namah
16. Om khadyotaya namah
17. Om mandaya namah
18. Om mandaceshtaya namah
19. Om mahaniyagunaatmane namah
20. Om martyapavanapadaya namah
21. Om maheshaya namah
22. Om dhayaputraya namah
23. Om sharvaya namah
24. Om shatatuniradharine namah
25. Om carasthirasvabhavaya namah
26. Om acamcalaya namah
27. Om nilavarnaya namah
28. Om nityaya namah
29. Om nilanjananibhaya namah
30. Om nilambaravibhushaya namah
31. Om nishcalaya namah
32. Om vedyaya namah
33. Om vidhirupaya namah
34. Om virodhadharabhumaye namah
35. Om bhedaspadasvabhavaya namah
36. Om vajradehaya namah
37. Om vairagyadaya namah
38. Om viraya namah
39. Om vitarogabhayaya namah
40. Om vipatparampareshaya namah
41. Om vishvavandyaya namah
42. Om gridhnavahaya namah
43. Om gudhaya namah
44. Om kurmangaya namah
45. Om kurupine namah
46. Om kutsitaya namah
47. Om gunadhyaya namah
48. Om gocaraya namah
49. Om avidhyamulanashaya namah
50. Om vidhyaavidhyasvarupine namah
51. Om ayushyakaranaya namah
52. Om apaduddhartre namah
53. Om vishnubhaktaya namah
54. Om vishine namah
55. Om vividhagamavedine namah
56. Om vidhistutyaya namah
57. Om vandhyaya namah
25. Om virupaakshaya namah
59. Om varishthaya namah
60. Om garishthaya namah
61. Om vajramkushagharaya namah
62. Om varada bhayahastaya namah
63. Om vamanaya namah
64. Om jyeshthapatnisametaya namah
65. Om shreshthaya namah
66. Om mitabhashine namah
67. Om kashtaughanashakartre namah
68. Om pushtidaya namah
69. Om stutyaya namah
70. Om stotragamyaya namah
71. Om bhaktivashyaya namah
72. Om bhanave namah
73. Om bhanuputraya namah
74. Om bhavyaya namah
75. Om pavanaya namah
76. Om dhanurmandalasamsthaya namah
77. Om dhanadaya namah
78. Om dhanushmate namah
79. Om tanuprakashadehaya namah
80. Om tamasaya namah
81. Om asheshajanavandyaya namah
82. Om visheshaphaladayine namah
83. Om vashikritajaneshaya namah
84. Om pashunam pataye namah
85. Om khecaraya namah
86. Om khageshaya namah
87. Om ghananilambaraya namah
88. Om kathinyamanasaya namah
89. Om aryaganastutyaya namah
90. Om nilacchatraya namah
91. Om nityaya namah
92. Om nirgunaya namah
93. Om gunatmane namah
94. Om niramayaya namah
95. Om nandyaya namah
96. Om vandaniyaya namah
97. Om dhiraya namah
98. Om divyadehaya namah
99. Om dinartiharanaya namah
100. Om aryajanaganyaya namah
101. Om aryajanaganyaya namah
102. Om kruraya namah
103. Om kruraceshtaya namah
104. Om kamakrodhakaraya namah
105. Om kalatraputrashatrutvakaranaya namah
106. Om pariposhitabhaktaya namah
107. Om parabhitiharaya namah
108. Om bhaktasanghamanobhishtaphaladaya namah

Friday, October 1, 2010

Shree Kshetra Shani Shinganapur

"God without Temple,

Houses without Doors,

Tree but shadeless,

Fear but enemiless."

That is the description of Shani Shinganapur which is famous as the abode of Shani Bhagwan. The fame of this village has spread not only in India but abroad as well as Shani Bhagwan’s Holy Province. The Diety of Shinganapur is a swayambu idol and is found on a simple platform. The houses here have no door frames, latches or padlocks. The barriers to enter most houses are only curtains. It is believed that nobody can do any theft in this place and if anybody even attempts to do so would be punished by God Shani immediately. In Shinganapur one can find shops and houses without doors. There has been an instance where a person is bitten by a snake in Shinganapur and is brought near the idol and a ritual performed and poison gets neutralized. Another incident which i heard recently was about a theif who tried to steal a motor cycle could not do so because he was unable to start or push the vehicle. People travel long distances to take darsan at this temple. This Temple is visited by people of all religions.

Male devotees clad in only saffron cloth after taking bath can proceed in wet clothes to the platform where the swayambhu idol (self existant statue) of Shani Maharaj exists and perform puja to the idol.They can pour mustard Oil or water on the idol and even touch the idol. Women are forbidden from going near the idol or going near the well used from which water is drawn for bathing the idol. This place is frequented by those facing the malefic effect of Planet Saturn like Saade Saati. This place is flooded with devotees on the day of Shani Amavasya. But unlike some other places of worship, at the shrine in Shinganapur there is no special or privileged entry for anyone. The devotee has to be bare headed (without any cap or cloth on the head) while receiving Darshan of the deity. Brahmins are available for performing Pujas on Saturday and Monday.The Aarti timings are around 4 AM in the morning before sunrise and after sunset around 6 PM. साभार

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

श्री शनि चालीसा

श्री शनि चालीसा

॥ दोहा ॥

जय गणेश गिरिजा सुवन, मंगल करण कृपाल ।
दीनन के दुःख दूर करि , कीजै नाथ निहाल ॥1॥
जय जय श्री शनिदेव प्रभु , सुनहु विनय महाराज ।
करहु कृपा हे रवि तनय , राखहु जन की लाज ॥2॥

जयति जयति शनिदेव दयाला । करत सदा भक्तन प्रतिपाला ॥
चारि भुजा, तनु श्याम विराजै । माथे रतन मुकुट छवि छाजै ॥

परम विशाल मनोहर भाला । टेढ़ी दृष्टि भृकुटि विकराला ॥
कुण्डल श्रवन चमाचम चमके । हिये माल मुक्तन मणि दमकै ॥

कर में गदा त्रिशूल कुठारा । पल बिच करैं अरिहिं संहारा ॥
पिंगल, कृष्णो, छाया, नन्दन । यम, कोणस्थ, रौद्र, दुःख भंजन ॥

सौरी, मन्द शनी दश नामा । भानु पुत्र पूजहिं सब कामा ॥
जापर प्रभु प्रसन्न हवैं जाहीं । रंकहुं राव करैं क्षण माहीं ॥

पर्वतहू तृण होइ निहारत । तृणहू को पर्वत करि डारत ॥
राज मिलत वन रामहिं दीन्हयो । कैकेइहुँ की मति हरि लीन्हयो ॥

वनहुं में मृग कपट दिखाई । मातु जानकी गई चुराई ॥
लषणहिं शक्ति विकल करिडारा । मचिगा दल में हाहाकारा ॥

रावण की गति-मति बौराई । रामचन्द्र सों बैर बढ़ाई ॥
दियो कीट करि कंचन लंका । बजि बजरंग बीर की डंका ॥

नृप विक्रम पर तुहि पगु धारा । चित्र मयूर निगलि गै हारा ॥
हार नौलखा लाग्यो चोरी । हाथ पैर डरवायो तोरी ॥

भारी दशा निकृष्ट दिखायो । तेलहिं घर कोल्हू चलवायो ॥
विनय राग दीपक महँ कीन्हयों । तब प्रसन्न प्रभु ह्वै सुख दीन्हयों ॥

हरिश्चन्द्र नृप नारि बिकानी । आपहुं भरे डोम घर पानी ॥
तैसे नल पर दशा सिरानी । भूंजी-मीन कूद गई पानी ॥

श्री शंकरहिं गह्यो जब जाई । पारवती को सती कराई ॥
तनिक विकलोकत ही करि रीसा । नभ उड़ि गतो गौरिसुत सीसा ॥

पाण्डव पर भै दशा तुम्हारी । बची द्रोपदी होति उधारी ॥
कौरव के भी गति मति मारयो । युद्ध महाभारत करि डारयो ॥

रवि कहँ मुख महँ धरि तत्काला । लेकर कूदि परयो पाताला ॥
शेष देव-लखि विनती लाई । रवि को मुख ते दियो छुड़ाई ॥

वाहन प्रभु के सात सुजाना । जग दिग्गज गर्दभ मृग स्वाना ॥
जम्बुक सिह आदि नख धारी । सो फल ज्योतिष कहत पुकारी ॥

गज वाहन लक्ष्मी गृह आवैं । हय ते सुख सम्पत्ति उपजावै ॥
गर्दभ हानि करै बहु काजा । सिह सिद्ध्कर राज समाजा ॥

जम्बुक बुद्धि नष्ट कर डारै । मृग दे कष्ट प्राण संहारै ॥
जब आवहिं स्वान सवारी । चोरी आदि होय डर भारी ॥

तैसहि चारि चरण यह नामा । स्वर्ण लौह चाँदी अरु तामा ॥
लौह चरण पर जब प्रभु आवैं । धन जन सम्पत्ति नष्ट करावैं ॥

समता ताम्र रजत शुभकारी । स्वर्ण सर्वसुख मंगल भारी ॥
जो यह शनि चरित्र नित गावै । कबहुं न दशा निकृष्ट सतावै ॥

अद्भुत नाथ दिखावैं लीला । करैं शत्रु के नशि बलि ढीला ॥
जो पण्डित सुयोग्य बुलवाई । विधिवत शनि ग्रह शांति कराई ॥

पीपल जल शनि दिवस चढ़ावत । दीप दान दै बहु सुख पावत ॥
कहत राम सुन्दर प्रभु दासा । शनि सुमिरत सुख होत प्रकाशा ॥

॥ दोहा ॥

पाठ शनिश्चर देव को, की हों 'भक्त' तैयार ।
करत पाठ चालीस दिन, हो भवसागर पार ॥

॥इति श्री शनि चालीसा॥